Oprah on Belief Systems

Oprah on Belief Systems

Your belief system is SUCH a big part of the life you are currently living. If you’re not where you want to be, let’s check your conscious and subconscious belief systems. Check out Oprah talk about it on the video below....
Take Your Dreams Seriously, Girl

Take Your Dreams Seriously, Girl

I came across this baby on Pinterest the other day and couldn’t help but share it with you all. Take your dreams seriously! It’s not an “if”… it’s not a “maybe”… it’s GOING to happen. If you don’t take...
What Are You Listening To?

What Are You Listening To?

What do you spend your time listening to? Is it always just music? If so, is it the kind of music that gets you up and motivated? I absolutely love music, and sometimes I need something to get my head in the game so I look up motivational videos that really know how...
With Every Fall Comes Opportunity

With Every Fall Comes Opportunity

I came across this quote the other day and it resonated so much as I looked back. Every single fall, every single “failure” is a new opportunity to start over.  “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” – F. Scott...


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